Using Other's Money Are The Real Deal Estate Deals
Using Other's Money Are The Real Deal Estate Deals
Blog Article
Studying the pursuits of your clients is extremely important to your success as a luxury real estate marketing professional. Although this may not apply to all of your clients or to all luxury real estate markets, the quest to possess the finest and the rarest objects in the world is definitely one of the exciting sports of high net worth individuals.
Richard Lehman, noted investment advisor, puts it this way: "Think about it, what better way to bail out debtors and clear out an excess housing inventory than through inflating the value of hard assets and at the same time diminishing the value of debt claims?" And all the government entitlement programs are keyed to the rate of inflation, so the politicians look like heroes.
Here is what I would recommend you did instead of running to a property agent the minute you decide to sell your house. Try an online real estate company such as you might find on FlatFeeListing in your state. They will put your home up for sale in a Multiple Listing Service. At one time, it used to be that these were only accessible to a real estate in Marbella. estate agent; not anymore. And you don't pay 6% either - all you ever do is to make a one-time payment of $500. Of course you'll still owe 3% to the buyer's agen. But, that the could still save you thousands of dollars.
The buzz real estate development. about the iPad has been nothing short of astonishing. Apple has introduced an entirely new product category based on a deep understanding of the needs of their primary target market. Why buy an inferior net book computer and/or an e-book reader when you can essentially have both, plus much, much more for less money?
You have a nanosecond to make a first palacetes de banus impression with your head shot or video. You want to make a lasting first impression. What if all of the salespeople in our luxury store stood like statues with their arms crossed smiling at you? Some photographer somewhere along the line came up with this pose, which is supposed to convey "professionalism" and it has been copied thousands of times by real estate company or service. estate agents all over the country. What do crossed arms mean to you with or without a smile?
On the other hand, I met a lot of great people who love the stress and busyness and action of being a real estate agent. They are mostly people who love to help people. Some of them just enjoy the business, while others enjoy it and make a lot of money.
Now, take this a step further. You walk into a luxury goods store where you just want to peruse the merchandise with no particular intent to buy. You are in a "just looking" mode. Get the idea that the manager of the store follows you around every step of the way peering over your shoulder. How soon would you be inclined to make a return visit?
Just because a property falls under the luxury umbrella, does not necessarily mean that it is problem-free. Structural problems such as improper weight baring pillars and roofing issues, evidence of water damage and mold, or piping and HVAC problems are just some of the problems one can find in any property. That is why it is integral that one conducts a home inspection before signing on the dotted line. Most importantly, make sure your contract for purchase includes a home inspection contingency, i.e. a statement that permits you to freely walk away from the property if the inspector finds a problem with it. A competent broker also won't waste your time or their own by showing you properties that aren't satisfactory.